The Compatibility of English Textbook "Bright An English" Used in the Seventh Grade of Junior High School

Hasanatul Khairiyah, Elismawati Elismawati, Hidayat Al Azmi


The objective of this study was to identify the compatibility of English textbook “Bright An English” for the seventh grade of High School with the content suitability and presentation appropriateness, determined by National Board of Education Standard (NBES). The mixed method (combining quantitative and qualitative method) were applied in the analysis of data. This current content analysis study followed four systematic steps: 1) Collecting data from the sources and entering them to the checklist table 2)Analyzing the materials presented in the textbook “Bright An English”. 3) Comparing the materials provide within the textbook with the criteria from NBES criteria. 4) Interpreting the data gained from process of evaluation of the textbook “Bright An English”. In the data analysis technique, the percentage of criteria fulfillment was calculated by dividing the total of criteria points which were met in a textbook for each sub aspect with the total of criteria points in each sub aspect. It was then multiplied by 100%. Based on the rubric assessment the researcher concluded that the English Textbook “Bright An English” covers about 85% of material and met the category required by NBES.


compatibility; English Textbook

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Ruang Jurnal Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggri
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bojol Padang


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