RiELT Journal

RiELT Journal (Research in English Language Teaching) is a double-blind peer-reviewed International journal dedicated to promoting scholarly exchange among teachers and researchers in the field of English Language Teaching. The journal is published twice a year in both print and online versions. The scope of ELT includes but not limited to: Theory and Practice in English Language Teaching and Learning in the Context of EFL, Curriculum Development; Evaluation and Assessment; English for Specific Purposes; English for Young Learners); Applied Linguistics; Content Analysis, and Material Development.

Authors are encouraged to submit complete, unpublished, original, and full-length articles that are not under review in any other journals. The Journal accepts article submissions online

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Volume 10 Number 1 2024 RIELT Journal

Table of Contents


Sugiharti Nabilah, M. Ridho Kholid, Dian Reftyawati
1 - 8
Agus Hidayat
9 - 18
Izza Khabila, Meisuri Meisuri, Sri Suci Suryawati, Sugeng Riyadi
19 -25
Zakiyah Zakiyah, Ribuani Permatasari
27 - 36
Zakiyah Zakiyah, Ribuani Permatasari
27 - 36
Ajeng Sitoresmi, Rohmatillah Rohmatillah, Satria Adi Pradana
37 - 49
Rika Rozalinda
51 - 58
Syayid Sandi Sukandi
59 - 84
Chanti Diananseri
85 - 96
Indra Johari, Niza Syavey, Honesty Trila
97 - 104
Darwissyah Irwan Duhir, Fithrah Auliya Ansar
105 - 114