Lailatul Husna, Widya Juli Astria, Dwiko Ramadhan


Writing is one of important skill that should have be mastered by the students. The Importance of Writing be the motivations of the researcher to compose this research. The research conducted in first year students of English department, FKIP UNES Padang. The sample of this research was 17 students. All of the students have taken Paragraph writing subject at the first-year of 2022/2023 academic year. Paragraph writing is a compulsory subject in English department of FKIP UNES Padang. This research used descriptive research methodology . The instrumentation was a writing test, the paragraphs of descriptive text. This research identified the mistakes often made by the students by analysing the result of the test itself. Research question was How is students’ skill in developing the ideas in writing descriptive paragraph. There are 46% of the students got good score for developing ideas. In conclusion, the result shows that students were able to develop the ideas of the paragraph in paragraph writing subject.


Paragraph Writing Subject, Developing Ideas, English Department

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/rielt.v9i1.7721
Abstract views : 58 times
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Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bojol Padang
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