Anggri Saputra, Martin Kustati, Chanti Diananseri


The objective of this research was to analyze the perception of teacher and students in implementing project-based learning from English teacher and the students at class XII IPA 3 SMAN 10 Padang. This research method is, mixed methods research, data were collected from questioner, interviews, and documentation. The sample of this research are English teacher and the students at class XII IPA 3 SMAN 10 Padang. There are two research question of this study namely 1) How do the teacher and students perceive toward the implementation of Project- Based Learning at class XII IPA 3 SMAN 10 Padang? 2) What are the difficulties faced by English teacher and the students of the implementation of PjBL in SMAN 10 Padang? The data was analyzed by SPSS Application and reduction- display-verify data. The results of this study indicated that perception English teacher and the students about implementation of project-based learning is in a good percentage with the highest mean score for each sub- indicator in questioners are 3.17, 3.38, 3.62, 3.48, 3,24 and
3.17. so, it can be concluded that the two research questions are answered. Firstly, teacher and students perceived positively to the implementation of PjBL. It was proved by favorable items in questioners have been chosen by most of students are agree and strongly agree, then for unfavorable items most of them choose disagree and strongly disagree the most. Secondly, time constraints and students’ abilities become the prior difficulties faced by both parties during PjBL process. It can be proved by the data from the data interview that the students submit their project at the end


perception, project-based learning, implementation kurikulum merdeka

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/rielt.v9i1.8086
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Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bojol Padang
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