Learning Loss dan Penanggulanganya pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) Kota Padang

Ilhamdi Yusra


This paper aims to see how learning loss is and to describe how to overcome it with the object under study is in the Junior High School (SMP) in Padang City. The type of research conducted is field research. This type of research is research using information obtained directly from the target or research object. This study uses a qualitative methodology with an inductive frame of mind, namely capturing facts or social phenomena through field observations and then analyzing them theoretically. Learning loss is a loss of learning. Loss of learning at the junior high school level in Padang City can be seen from several forms including concentration in learning, communication, caring and learning activities. Low learning concentration is reflected in students who tend to be distracted and easily influenced by small things, this low concentration in learning is caused by lack of sleep due to playing cellphones late at night, PJJ learning from home which is interspersed with other activities. Efforts to overcome this can be done by minimizing things that interfere with learning and there must be a firm agreement with students not to make noise in class. Student communication is not good and sometimes it is not in accordance with the norms and values that apply or makes students more shy and quiet. What the teacher can do to overcome this problem is to hold interactive and communicative activities to encourage students to express opinions. they. Caring for the environment, early students entering face-to-face learning after distance learning after the Covid-19 pandemic seemed individualistic and did not care about their surroundings. Efforts that can be made by the teacher as an effort to overcome the loss of learning is to involve students in activities that are cooperative and hone their social spirit. With regard to learning activities, learning loss can be seen in the inability of students to understand the material conveyed by the teacher, this occurs because students are not sharpened to think critically during distance learning, they only receive and work on it. What can be done for this problem as a countermeasure is to encourage students to engage in problem-solving learning, or project-based learning.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/thje.v4i2.5029
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Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang
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