Taklim Sharaf bi Istimal Kitab Al-salsal Al-madkhal fi Madrasah Tarbiyah Islamiah Candung

Rahmi Dwi Mulia


The researcher chose this topic because the researcher found differences
in the form of presentation of the sharaf material from the previous
book, and the material covered in it was more complete and systematic.
How to learn sharaf using the book of Salsal Madkhal at Madrasah
Tarbiyah Islamiah Candung? The purpose of this research is to reveal
the teaching sharaf using the book of Salsal Madkhal in terms of the
objectives, materials, methods and means of teaching sharaf and its
evaluation. This research is based on field research using a descriptive
methodology. The tools to collect i formation are observation,
interviews, and documentation. After researched about teaching sharaf
in this institution, she concluded that the purpose of teaching sharaf
using the book of Salsal Madkhal in this institution is for students are
able to change the form of an arabic sentence to another form and know
the origin of the sentence, and students to be able to read and translate
Arabic texts. And able to parse correct Arabic sentences. Sharaf learning
materials in the Salsal Madkhal book are thirty-five chapters of fi’il,
tashrif and their i’lal. The method of teaching sharaf at the Madrasah
Tarbiyah Islamiah Candung is the standard method. And the facilities
used are visual aids such as whiteboards, markers and books. And
evaluation of learning sharaf at Madrasah Tarbiyah Islamiah Candung
in the form of written tests and oral tests, which are carried out twice in
one semester.


Al-Salsal Madkhal; Arabic; Descriptive; Learning;

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/lisaanuna.v5i2.4607
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