Taktsiru Thariqatu SQ3R ( Isthitlaa’un, Tasaaulun, Qira’atun, Istirja’un, Wa Muraja’atun) Fii Ta’limi Maharatil Qira’ah bi Shaffi Tsamin Fil Madrasah Tsanawiyah Islamiyah Al Hukumiyah 2 Solok

Dini Dini


The main problem in this study is "Does the use of the SQ3R method affect the reading skills of class VIII students at MTsN 2 solok?" This study aims to determine the results of learning reading skills before using the SQ3R method, and its use, then the results of learning reading skills after using the SQ3R method. The research method used is an experimental research method with a quantitative approach with field research.The first research result: the learning results of reading skills in class VIII students of MTsN 2 Solok before using the SQ3R method in the control class "VIII.E." The average value is 58.04. And in the experimental class "VIII.F" the average value was 54.57.The second: The use of the SQ3R method in learning reading skills of grade VIII students at MTsN 2 solok consists of
three steps: introductory activities, core activities, and closing activities. Third: the use of the SQ3R method affects the learning of reading skills for class VIII students at MTsN 2 Solok. This can be seen by the difference in learning outcomes before using the SQ3R method and after using the SQ3R method. The result before using the SQ3R method was 54.57 and after using it was 84.31.Based on the analysis of all control and experimental class test results, the "T" test shows the result of T count -12.065 is greater than the T-table result -24.656 and the Sig (2- tailed) result is 0.05 greater than 0.000. The researcher concluded that the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted.


Method; SQ3R; reading skill

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/lisaanuna.v6i2.7924
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