Teaching vocabulary using cooperative learning strategy ‎of Government Secondary School 2 Padang

Ifkar Rasyid


This research aims to explore the extent of the cooperative ‎learning strategy in teaching vocabulary to of Government Secondary ‎School 2 Padang. This research is a quantitative study using the ‎experimental method and follows a descriptive approach. The ‎population of this research includes first-grade students at 2nd ‎Badeng Secondary School for the academic year 2023/2024, totaling ‎‎64 students. The sample taken by the researcher consists of students ‎from class "A" of the control group and class "B" of the experimental ‎group from the research population. The ability of students from the ‎experimental group, who use cooperative learning strategy, to acquire ‎vocabulary increased compared to the control group. The average ‎final test score for the control group is 74.1, while the average final ‎test score for the experimental group is 82.2. This indicates that the ‎cooperative learning strategy can enhance students' ability to learn ‎vocabulary. Cooperative learning strategy makes students more active ‎and they enjoy learning‎


Cooperative Learning; Strategy; Vocabulary Teaching

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/lisaanuna.v6i1.8236
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