Umu Faizah, Duski Samad, Aprizal Ahmad


Organizational culture is considered important because it is expected to have an effect on the final results of the school and become the foundation in carrying out activities within the organization. At the Vocational High School 2 Payakumbuh, also has an organizational culture that provides characteristics as a differentiator with other organizations. The author directly goes to the field or research location in order to obtain data or information that is expected to be able to reveal facts, phenomena, and to explain how the organizational culture in the State 2 Payakumbuh Vocational High School is. From the results of the interviews and observations above, the authors can conclude that the organizational culture in the Payakumbuh State Vocational High School 2, namely the principal and also the education staff builds a sense of concern for the institution, so it is hoped that the school will be better and also become more advanced. Vocational High School Negeri 2 Payakumbuh carries out activities related to organizational culture theory which consists of coordination/cooperation, discipline, innovation, reward, punishment, ease of communication, and socialization of organizational culture where the role of the leader is very important in disseminating the organizational culture itself to every employee. education in the school.


Organizational Culture, Education Personnel.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/p-prokurasi.v3i1.3795
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