Ibrahim Ibrahim, Dea Resta Aulia, Kris Setyaningsih


This article is entitled Principal Leadership Style at SD Negeri 1 Riding. The purpose of this study is to find out how the leadership style of the principal at SD Negeri 1 Riding is. In this study using qualitative methods. Informants in this study were principals, vice principals, and teachers. Data collection techniques through the methods of observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques in this study used data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of the study which show that the leadership style of the principal at SD Negeri 1 Riding can be said to be good, it can be seen from the indicators, namely making decisions, motivation of subordinates, healthy work environment, mutual trust, responsibility. The leadership style carried out by the principal has been assessed as good even though there are still shortcomings, therefore in leading the principal, it is better to improve his leadership style so that the desired thing can be achieved effectively and efficiently.


Democratic Leadership style, Principal

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