Kurniawan Kurniawan, Hasnawati Hasnawati


This research was motivated by several problems related to the ability to carry out office activities for educational staff at SMAN 7 Bungo. Office activities have been carried out as they should but the speed and accuracy of typing is an indicator to determine the level of someone's typing speed can be measured manually and can also use an application, one of which is the Typing Master application. Typing Master is a software that helps someone to find out how fast and accurate typing is. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of speed and accuracy of typing administrative employees at SMAN 7 Bungo. The method used in this study is a quantitative descriptive method with data collection techniques using tests through the typing master application on the typing test menu so that automatically the results of the typing test can be directly obtained, then proceed with calculating the whole using the average value and percentage. The results of the study are: (1) the typing speed of administrative employees at SMAN 7 Bungo is in the beginner category, it can be seen from the final results that the overall typing speed only reaches 43 CPM; (2) the typing accuracy level of administrative staff at SMAN 7 Bungo is in the beginner category, as evidenced by the overall percentage for the Beginner category reaching 88.89%, while the intermediate category is only 11.11%.


Typing Speed, Typing Accuracy, Typing Master

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