Exploring The Use of English as The Marketing Language for Product Promotion: A critical Discourse Analysis

Edwar - Kemal, Doojin - Song, Muthia - Damayanti


Language phenomena in marketing reflect the dynamic ways language evolves and it is used to influence consumer behavior and brand perception. English is considered as important language for the product promotion. This research used was to investigate the use of English as the marketing language for product promotion. It used qualitative research by using descriptive towards case study. Then, for the data collection, the researchers used interview questions and it is analyzed by using content analysis and social discourse of CDA. The research shows that there are some points of view of Micro Enterprises in West Sumatera for using English as the marketing language for product promotion such as broading the market target, showing competitive advantage, enhancing professionalism and credibility, facilitating a cross-border trading, following the current trend, and becoming the tourism destination. This research was limited into Micro Enterprises of West Sumatera Barat. Then, by conducting the research customers can get comprehensive explanation about the use of English for the Indonesian products by the Micro Enterprises.


CDA; Marketing Language; Production Promotion

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/rielt.v0i0.10670


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Ruang Jurnal Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggri
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bojol Padang
email: rieltjournal@uinib.ac.id


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