ESP for Speaking Leraning Activities for Economics Students of UIN Raden Intan Lampung: A Need Analysis

Wulandari Putri Herda, Iwan Kurniawan, M Sayid Wijaya


:    Need analysis in ESP used to find out the target situation or the need to adjust the use of language to the student’s work environment so that it can prepare students very well. Speaking is a learner’s ability to express himself or herself verbally, coherently, fluently, and precisely in the context of certain meanings. This research aims at: finding out the problem for Economics students, especially with speaking skills in learning English and identifying the students’ needs for speaking learning activities in English. The design of this reasearch is descriptive qualitiave. The object was speaking learning activities need and the subject was Syariah Economic students of UIN Raden Intan Lampung. The data were collected by using questionnaire and interview and the were analyzed by applying Miles Huberman model. The reseults showed that the students had problems in pronouncing English words since it is different between  the pronunciation and the written one. For hte necessities, it can be concluded that the students need to learn how to communicate and For the necessities in speaking, it can be concluded: the students need to learn how to communicate and to be able to apply the appropriate grammar. The students also want the material or theory provided by the teacher was expected to meed the need of the langauge use in job carier. The activities needed to be in groups and pairs to have a discussion related to Engish learning.


need analysis; speaking activities

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Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bojol Padang


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