The Compatibility of “Pathway to English” Textbook With Core Competence and Basic Competence of 2013 Curriculum

Xhycho Vachanidyo, Besral Besral


The current study was aimed at analyzing the compatibility of the English materials presented in "Pathway to English" with Core Competence and Basic Competence of 2013 Curriculum. The textbook is for grade XI and is currently used by senior high school students in Indonesia. In this library research, the assessment standard provided by National Board of Education Standard was used because  the   rubric   were   commonly   used   as a  standardized  textbook  content  evaluation   for the 2013 Curriculum compatibility. The rubrics were integrated with Likert Scale to help the researcher count and classify the data. The data sources were taken from the textbook called "Pathway to English" which is published by Erlangga Publisher. The results of the research showed that the compatibility criteria required in the 2013 Curriculum based on BNSP Compatibility Standard fulfilled 93.05% of the learning materials in the textbook. They were acceptable but required more consideration in various aspects before using it. It is important to consider that the content must be created deeper in order to fulfill student needs


textbook; compatibility; 2013 curriculum; BNSP

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Ruang Jurnal Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggri
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bojol Padang


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