Intan Khairunnisa, Martin Kustati


Online Instruction as the only alternative available for the teachers to teach students during covid-19 pandemics were expected to upgrade how students should learn and respond especially in English as a Foreign Language learning to write. The current study seeks to analyze how EFL teachers in Islamic Junior High School Pariaman planned and taught EFL Writing Instruction through Online Learning. Data were collected through documentation namely by analysis of teachers’ Lesson Plan and online interviews as well. It was found that teachers monitored the students’ learning through WhatsApp application, by creating class groups to ensure that students were active in online learning. Teachers posted the materials to guarantee that students learned and did the assignments at home. However, the result of this research showed that the teachers’ lesson plans were not compatible with Online Learning. A series of activities carried out by the teachers showed that their activities were just like in face-to-face classes. The learning stages and sequent of the activities were similar to those of face to face classroom. The teachers moved the face to face class into online learning environment without considering the differences between them. The article finally come to the conclusion that it is a high time to consider combining of didactic and authentic pedagogies that engages students in a mix of digital and non digital activities based upon content, learning contexts, and student needs.


Lesson Plan; Teacher Online Instruction; Online Learning.

Abstract views : 65 times


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UIN of North Sumatera Medan: Department of English Education Faculty of Tarbiyah Science and Teacher Training


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Ruang Jurnal Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggri
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bojol Padang


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