Yunita Yunita, Haryudi Haryudi


This study aimed to describe utilization of WhatsApp for teaching English writing at State Senior high School 1 Luhak Nan Duo, West Sumatera. Five students from each class were selected randomly as the respondents of the research. Observation, interviews and questionnaires were used to collect the data. Triangulation technique was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the WhatsApp application can produce positive effects and benefits for students. This can be seen from the responses of most students in the writing class who gave good responses to this media. 57.5 % of students agreed that WhatsApp provides benefits in learning writing. 47.5% of students agreed that the writing material delivered via WhatsApp was clear. 52.5% of students agreed that it was easy to save material via WhatsApp. 45% of students strongly agree that this media helps them in improving learning. It implies that WhatsApp can be an alternative media for building students’ learning activity in English writing skill.


Utilizing; WhatsApp; Writing

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15548/rielt.v7i1.4015
Abstract views : 93 times


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Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bojol Padang
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