Implementation Of Talking Stick Technique In Teaching English Speaking At X Grade Students Of Smkn 1 Solok

Vira Milya Putri


The implementation of interesting learning techniques by the teacher can help students to be more enthusiastic about learning to speak English. One of them is with the teacher implementing the talking stick technique in learning to speak. The researcher found that the teacher who had applied the talking stick technique in learning to speak English was the teacher at the 1 Solok vocational high school. The object of this research is to analyze how the English teacher applies the talking stick technique in teaching speaking in the tenth grade of SMKN 1 Solok based on the steps and procedures of Helman's theory of Talking Stick. In this study, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive study in which the researcher analyzed 1 English teacher in applying the talking stick technique in learning to speak through four meetings. In collecting data, the researcher used the instrument of observation checklist, field notes, video and also documentation. Based on the results of observations that have been made by researchers on teachers who apply talking stick learning techniques in learning speaking with reference to the steps and procedures of Helman's theory (2009), in three meetings it can be found data from the steps and procedures in implementing the talking stick technique by teachers who have been implemented are categorized as very good with an average value of 3 meetings, namely 19, 6 because it lies in the score range 19, 6-24. Related to this, the teacher in implementing the talking stick technique is in accordance with Helman's theory which the researcher studied from one teacher in grade ten at a vocational high school 1 Solok.


Talking Stick Technique; Teaching English Speaking

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Ruang Jurnal Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggri
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bojol Padang


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