Amalia Hanifah


Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) is the ability to think in the complex process which useful for transferring the knowledge in real life, thinking critically, and solving the problems. Categories of HOTS level are analyzing, evaluating, and creating. To assess those abilities, HOTS can we find in reading exercises. This research is descriptive qualitative. Data was collected from “Pathway to English Textbook” for the tenth grade of senior high school. This study is using indicators in Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy as instrument. From 15 chapters essay reading exercises, there are 158 essay questions that practice the reading skill in the Pathway to English textbook. The essay reading practice was analyzed using a checklist table to find out distribution of cognitive domains in each essay reading question. The result showed that the total of HOTS questions is 49 questions or 31% from 158 reading questions. The amount and percentage of each HOTS category are 22 questions or 13,9% for analyzing level, 24 questions or 15,1% for evaluating level, and 3 questions or 1,8% for creating level. Nevertheless, HOTS questions are not the dominant level in this textbook but this textbook suitable for use by teachers and students.


Higher Order Thinking Skill, Reading Exercise, Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

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Ruang Jurnal Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggri
Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan
Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bojol Padang


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