Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Menggunakan Strategi Active Learning Dengan Cara Giving Questions And Getting Answers Dengan Pembelajaran Konvensional Di Kelas X Sma Ekasakti Padang

Yuliani Fitri, Refnywidialistuti Refnywidialistuti


The study is a kind of experimental one conducted to two groups, an experimental group and controlled group. The purpose of the study was to figure out whether students’ learning achievement by using giving questions and getting answers of active learning strategy better than those of conventional learning. The finding of the study is supposed to be useful for the researcher in teaching and to be guidance for teachers in mathematics learning. Population of the study were all of the students grade X TP 2017/2018 of Eka Sakti Senior High School, consisting of three classes.The samples were XIS1 as the controlled class consistingof 22 students and XIS2 as the experimental class consisting of 22 students. Data collected by having a test to the experimental class and controlled class. Normality and homogeneity tests were conducted before doing hypothesis test. The students’ learning achievement were normal and homogeny. Based on the analysis of hyphothesis tetsting, it can be concluded that application of active learning strategy by giving questions and getting answers can increase students’ mathematics learning achievement for 95% level of realibility. Therefore, it is hopped that teachers will apply active learning strategy by giving questions and getting answers in teaching learning process of mathematics due to its significant effect to learning achievement of the students.

Keywords: learning achievement, active learning, giving questions and getting answers

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The Journal Space of the Mathematics Education Department
Faculty of Education and Teacher Training
State Islamic University of Imam Bonjol Padang



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