Tarikhuna: Journal of History and History Education

Tarikhuna: Journal of History and History Education (THJE) is an academic journal of studies in history education and Indonesian history. It is published biannually (May & November) by the Departement of Social Science Education, Imam Bonjol State Islamic University. Tarikhuna aims to provide quality papers in history education and Indonesian history, even though it also considers articles in the field of education and social science for publication. Tarikhuna accepts various formats includes articles from research reports, scientific forums, and book reviews.

The editorial team of Tarikhuna also looking for qualified professional contributors who interested to be reviewers. For further information and technical guidance, please do not hesitate to contact the editorial staff.


Editorial Team

Journal Homepage Image

Vol 5, No 1 (2023)

Table of Contents


Islamization of Knowledge in Historical Perspective
DOI : 10.15548/thje.v5i1.5871 | Abstract views : 87 times | PDF : 135 times
Ahmad Nabil Amir
1 - 12
Bahtiar Afwan
13 - 24
Piki Setri Pernantah, Rizki Ananda Hasibuan, Hana Puspita Sari, Rahmi Adisti, Sony Setiawan, Apriani Ladita
25 - 36
Indah Rahmawati Akbar, Galih Pranata
37 - 47
Nisa Ulaini
48 - 57
Konsistensi RPP dengan Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Sejarah
DOI : 10.15548/thje.v5i1.6181 | Abstract views : 68 times | PDF : 69 times
Suryadi Fajri
58 - 65
Ahmad Nurhuda
66 - 73
Fatmi Fauzani Duski
74 - 82
Zainimal Said
93 - 99
Implementasi Profil Pelajar Pancasila dalam Pembelajaran IPS
DOI : 10.15548/thje.v5i1.6988 | Abstract views : 189 times | PDF : 814 times
Ilhamdi Yusra
83 - 92